Collection: Essential oils for Digestion / Fasting / Detoxification

Essential Oils for Improved Digestion, Fasting and Detoxification

Here are some of our top picks to help support the digestive system. Also called the second brain our digestive system determines much of our mental function. When it is functioning correctly, we are functioning well. When this system is struggling it can affect our whole lives. Each oil has specific benefits but goes about it in a different way due to their chemical makeup.

Pure Digest, Soothe It and Move It Blend (General digestive aid, indigestion, nausea, peristaltic movement, hepatoprotective)

Lemon (general digestive alkalinity imbalance, gallstones), Coriander (digestive, hepatoprotective), Peppermint (calms irritation, antispasmodic, helpful for those who may experience symptoms of IBS and IBD when applied topically, anti-nausea, Fennel (Sweet) (helpful for possible leaky gut challenges and symptoms of indigestion), Rosemary (stimulating to the digestive system, tonic for the liver), Black Pepper (very warming and helpful to both digestive and brain function, antioxidant and immune support), and Ginger (supports proper intestinal movement, anti-nausea), in a base of Fractionated Coconut Oil (MCT)

Liv-Better, Purification Blend (Liver support and detoxification for PM to be used in conjunction with Pure Regen)

Red Mandarin (a gentle digestive aid and liver decongestant), Rosemary (known for its strengthening and tonic qualities, may defend against an increase of fat in the liver), Geranium (liver detoxifier, supports proper bile function, and supportive of tissue health) and Helichrysum (supports gentle liver detoxification, aids feelings of discomfort associated with the liver, restorative).

​Pure Regen, Protect and Cleanse Blend (General detoxification for AM to be used in conjunction with Liv-Better)

Red Mandarin (a gentle digestive aid and liver decongestant), Lemon (lymphatic and liver detoxifier), Coriander (hepatoprotective, digestive stress release), Peppermint (calms irritation, antispasmodic, hepatoprotective), Geranium (liver detoxifier, tonic, gallbladder and bile duct support), Fennel (Sweet) (supports detoxification and hepatoprotective), Rosemary (great detoxifier and liver support), and Helichrysum (restorative, detoxifier and provides relief from possible discomfort) in a base of Fractionated Coconut Oil (MCT).

Orange, Sweet

calming for indigestion and gently aids peristaltic movement helping feelings of constipation and diarrhea, aids IBS symptoms


calms irritation, antispasmodic, helpful for those who may experience symptoms of IBS and IBD when applied topically, anti-nausea


supports proper intestinal movement, anti-nausea, helpful like Peppermint, but through a more warming action

Fennel, Sweet

helpful for possible leaky gut challenges and symptoms of indigestion


tonic for the digestive system and specifically for the liver, helps to manage proper mucus levels in the body, aids in maintaining an alkaline environment.

​Black Pepper

similar to Ginger in function, but not as strong in scent, very warming and helpful to both digestive and brain function, antioxidant and immune support.


stimulating to the digestive system, tonic for the liver, antioxidant, antimicrobial, cooling


helpful in detoxification of the liver and restorative


calming when diluted, helpful with symptoms of constipation, indigestion, helps communication for improved nerve function, do not use if you experience fibromyalgia.